1/ Strategic Analysis Free of charge
2/ Copyright Protection: research and preparation of the needed documents in relation to the right of use of the copyright object – protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria EUR 365
3/ National Tradeмarks (NТМ) – protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria:
a/ Trademark Search EUR 105 (each additional class is free)
b/ Priority Claim (if there is an initial application) EUR 75
c/ Application for Registration of a Trademark (up to 3 classes of goods or services) EUR 345
d/ Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
e/ Renewal of a Trademark (up to 3 classes of goods or services) EUR 325
f/ Renewal for Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
g/ Late Renewal of a Trademark + EUR 105
h/ Correction of Application Errors before Publication EUR 35
i/ Correction of Application Errors after Publication EUR 35
j/ Recordal of Change of Name (in case of fusion, mergers, takeovers, etc.) or Address of the Trademark Holder EUR 185
k/ Recordal of Trademark License (if the right to use the trademark is temporarily transferred) EUR 235
l/ Recordal of Cancellation or Suspension of a License EUR 235
m/ Representation before the Board of Appeal in Case of Opposition EUR 585
n/ Claim for Cancellation of Registration of a Trademark EUR 355
o/ Declaration of Invalidity of a Trademark EUR 355
p/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Refuse Registration of a Trademark EUR 585
q/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Terminate the Proceedings of Registration of a Trademark EUR 585
r/ Determination of Reputation of a Trademark on the Territory of the Republic of Bulgaria EUR 585
s/ Application for Extension of the Time for Reply to an Official Action EUR 105
t/ Negotiating and Preparation of an Agreement with an Opponent EUR 365
u/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
4/ Community Trademarks (CTM) – protection on the territory of the countries, members of the European Union:
a/ Unofficial CTM Search and Analysis of the Results EUR 75
b/ Official CTM Search andAnalysis of the Results EUR 145
c/ Application for Registration of a CTM (up to 3 classes of goods or services) EUR 1155
d/ Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
e/ Renewal of a CTM (up to 3 classes of goods and services) EUR 585
f/ Renewal for Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
g/ Late Renewal of a CTM + EUR 205
h/ Declaration of Invalidity of a CTM EUR 625
i/ Recordal of Change of Name (in case of fusion, mergers, takeovers, etc.) or Address of the CTM Holder/ CTM Applicant EUR 285
j/ Recordal of a License (if the right to use the CTM or another right in respect of a registered CTM is temporarily transferred) EUR 295
k/ Cancellation or Suspension of a License EUR 295
l/ Alteration of a Registered CTM EUR 375
m/ Correction of Application Errors before Publication EUR 75
n/ Correction of Application Errors after Publication EUR 75
o/ Appeal against a Decision of the OHIM to Refuse Registration of a CTM EUR 1155
p/ Representation before the Board of Appeal in Case of Opposition EUR 1155
q/ Application for Extension of the Time for Official action (Restitutio in Integrum) EUR 225
r/ Application for Conversion of a CTM into a National Trademark EUR 295
s/ Negotiating an Agreement with an Opponent EUR 585
t/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
5/ International Trademarks (ITM) – the ensured protection depends on the countries, requested in the application:
а/ Unofficial Trademark Search Free of charge
b/ Application for Registration of a Trademark (up to 3 classes of goods or services) EUR 1155
c/ Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
d/ Each Additional Country Free of charge
e/ Renewal of a Trademark (up to 3 classes of goods and services) EUR 585
f/ Renewal for Each Additional Class of Goods or Services Free of charge
g/ Complementary Fee for Renewal in Each Territory Free of charge
h/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
i/ Late Renewal of a Trademark + EUR 205
j/ Request for Extension of the Time for Official Action EUR 225
k/ Classification of Goods and Services (if necessary) EUR 75
l/ Recordal of Change of Name (in case of fusion, mergers, takeovers, etc.) or Address of the Trademark Holder EUR 285
m/ Recordal of a License (if the right to use the trademark is temporarily transferred) EUR 295
n/ Recordal of Cancellation or Suspension of a License EUR 295
o/ Negotiating and Preparation of a Contract with an Opponent EUR 585
6/ National Patents – protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria:
а/ Explorations
Exploration in Novelty EUR 105
Exploration in Novelty and Inventive Step EUR 145
Exploration in Patent Purity EUR 105
Other Special Studies EUR 125
b/ Application for a Patent with 1 Invention (product or method) – including up to 10 claims for the characteristics of the product or method EUR 585
c/ Each Additional Claim EUR 35
d/ Priority Claim (if there is an initial application)Â EUR 75
e/ Application for a Patent with 2 Inventions – including up to 10 claims for the characteristics of the product or method EUR 815
f/ Each Additional Claim EUR 35
g/ Each Additional Invention EUR 85
h/ Changes in a Description, Claim, Drawing or an Abstract (initiated by the applicant) EUR 185
i/ Claim for Accelerated Publication of an Application EUR 105
j/ Restoration of a Patent EUR 585
k/ Provision of a Copy of a Document Free of charge
l/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Refuse Registration of a Patent with 1 Invention EUR 435
m/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Terminate the Proceedings of Registration of a Patent with 1 Invention EUR 435
n/ Each Additional Invention EUR 75
o/ Claim for Invalidation of a Patent EUR 455
p/ Claim for Reissuing of a Patent EUR 125
q/ Claim for Provision of a Compulsory License (when the invention is of particular importance for a certain country, a compulsory license must be established) EUR 415
r/ Claim for Termination of a Compulsory License EUR 415
s/ Late Payment of Annuity + EUR 105
t/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
u/ Patent Maintenance
Subscription for Filing for the first 3 years EUR 185
Subscription for Filing from the 4th to the 6th year EUR 195
Subscription for Filing from the 7th to the 10th year EUR 355
Subscription for Filing above the 10th year EUR 585 per year
7/ International Patents - the ensured protection depends on the countries, requested in the application:
а/ Application for an European patent under the European Patent Convention EUR 3300
b/ Late Payment of Annuity + EUR 105
c/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
d/ International Patent Maintenance
Subscription for Filing for the first 3 years EUR 415
Subscription for Filing from the 4th to the 6th year EUR 565
Subscription for Filing from the 7th to the 10th year EUR 755
Subscription for filing above the 10th year EUR 865 per year
8/ Utility Models – protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria:
a/ Explorations upon Request EUR 95
b/ Application for a Utility Model (including up to 10 claims) EUR 585
c/ Each Additional Claim EUR 35
d/ Priority Claim (if there is an initial application) EUR 75
e/ Claim for Accelerated Publication of an Application EUR 105
f/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Refuse Registration of a Utility Model EUR 525
g/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Terminate the Proceedings of Registration of a Utility Model EUR 415
h/ Claim for Cancellation of Registration of a Utility Model EUR 585
i/ Late Payment of Annuity + EUR 105
j/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
k/ Utility model Maintenance
Subscription for Filing for the first 5 years Free of charge
Subscription for Filing from the 6th to the 7th year EUR 245
Subscription for Filing from the 8th to the 10th year EUR 295
9/ Industrial Designs – protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria:
a/ Exploration in Novelty EUR 105
b/ Application for an Industrial Design EUR 585
c/ Application for a Composition EUR 755
d/ Priority Claim (if there is an initial application) Free of charge
e/ First Renewal of Registration EUR 475
f/ Second Renewal of Registration EUR 525
g/ Third Renewal of Registration EUR 585
h/ Late Renewal of Registration + EUR 105
i/ Renewal of Registration 6 months after the Deadline + EUR 295
j/ Attestation of Payment of Annuity Free of charge
k/ Restoration of an Industrial Design EUR 475
l/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Refuse Registration of an Industrial Design EUR 525
m/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Terminate the Proceedings of Registration of an Industrial Design EUR 415
n/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Refuse Registration of a Composition EUR 645
o/ Appeal against a Decision of the Patent Office to Terminate the Proceedings of Registration of a Composition EUR 645
p/ Recordal of Change of Name (in case of fusion, mergers, takeovers, etc.) or Address of the Industrial Design Holder EUR 185
q/ Assignment of a License (if the right to use the Industrial design is temporarily transferred) EUR 585
r/ Recordal of Renewal of a License Concession EUR 235
s/ Recordal of Cancellation or Suspension of a License EUR 235
t/ Provision of a Copy of a Document in an Application Form Free of charge
u/ Provision of a Copy of Unpublished Industrial Design (photographic form) Free of charge
v/ Provision of a Copy of a Published Industrial Design (photographic form) Free of charge
10/ Community Industrial Designs – protection on the territory of the European Union:
a/ Exploration in Novelty EUR 105
b/ Application for an Industrial Design EUR 1700 (including 2 images)
c/ Each Additional Image EUR 170Â
11/ Licenses & Agreements: preparation of a contract or an annex EUR 365
12/ Prosecution:
а/ Administrative Protection EUR 355
b/ Civil Protection EUR 1050 per Court Instance
c/ Initiation of Criminal Proceedings EUR 455
13/ Оther Services:
a/ Evidence Gathering EUR 75
b/ Additional IP Legal Advice (after the first free legal advice) EUR 175
c/ Domain Name Registration EUR 65 + the price of the domain name
d/ Domain Recovery EUR 65 euro + 3 % of the price of the domain name + the price of the domain name
e/ Test Purchases EUR 75 + the costs for the purchase
f/ Monitoring of a Trademark EUR 115 per year
g/ Sending of a Cease and Desist Letter EUR 265
Please note that we are able to provide a service within 24 hours for a double fee.
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