Company Rates

1/ Incorporation of a Company EUR 305 (the fee of the Registry Agency is included)

2/ Domicile of a Company EUR 125

3/ Provision of a Company Stamp EUR 184

4/ Domain Registration EUR 60 + the price of the domain

5/ Website Building EUR 550

6/ Transfer of Company Shares EUR 385 (the fee of the Registry Agency is included)

7/ Decrease or Increase of Company Capital EUR 385 (the fee of the Registry Agency is included)

8/ Change of a Company Address EUR 385 (the fee of the Registry Agency is included)

9/ Publishing of a Change in the Status of a Company EUR 385 (the fee of the Registry Agency is included)

10/ Liquidation of a Company EUR 575 (the fee includes preparation of Liquidation Financial Statements by an accountant, provision of Certificate from the Natinoal Revenue Agency, Certificate from the National Social Security Institute and Certificate for Good Standing; the fees of the Registry Agency are also included)

11/ Prosecution – according to the Bulgarian Tariff № 01/09.07.2004 for Minimal Amounts of Lawyers’ Remunerations but not less than EUR 585 (including 1 travelling, not including the court fee and the fees for expertise)

12/ Travelling out of Sofia EUR 105

13/ Registration of a branch of a foreign LTD EUR 550

14/ Registration of an European LTD EUR 550

15/ Registration of a Non-Profit Organisation EUR 295

Please note that we are able to provide a service within 24 hours for a double fee.

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